Westways 4wd Tours WA Wildflowers

Australia has been isolated for thousands of years and thus plants have been able to develop independently to suit the often harsh natural conditions. Due to the wide range of different environments and plant communities, the native flora of Australia is the most diverse and varied in the world, growing in tropical, rainforest, stony inland deserts, alpine meadows and sandy heathlands. It has been estimated there are about 20,000 to 25,000 different plants native to Australia. Westways has many different varieties unique to the area flowering mainly between August and December.

Autum Flowers at Westways 2014

Lechenaultia Junceas

Gyrostemon Ramulosus

Verticordia Grandis

 Pityrodia Bartlingii

Hemiandra Pungens

Goodenia Coerulea

Westways Wildflowers Latest News - March 2014

Banksia Prionotes are flowering

Our Customers in Japan have just taken part in an exhibition and workshop of Preserved Wildflowers and Orchids for The World Orchid Orchid Festival 2014 at the Tokyo Dome. This is an enormous display and only a few people are asked to demonstrate and hold workshops at this Exhibition.